
Group: DynoMotion Message: 11212 From: develo_jon Date: 3/14/2015
Subject: KCNC Motion 432 Lathe X&Z buttons?


There seems to be a disconnect between screen buttons and configuration...  

I have not suffered this at all in multiaxis mill setups.

Using v 432

The KMotionCNC screen buttons seem to Assume DefineCoordinateSystem(Z,-1,X) where as the motion controller wants DefineCoordinateSystem(X,-1,Z).

So I need to use the later option and cope with the display being wrong/hack the display?  Not a huge issue but it has taken me a couple of hours of playing around to come to this conclusion :(



Group: DynoMotion Message: 11213 From: develo_jon Date: 3/14/2015
Subject: Re: KCNC Motion 432 Lathe X&Z buttons?
And then you click the check box that says "Lathe" by it  hahahaha !!!